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09 - 10
Syrian Client Visits MTJ Company
On May 13, 2024, a client from Syria visited MTJ Company, expressing significant interest in MTJ's wheel manufacturing and processing capabilities. The client was given an in-depth tour of the company's production lines and factory facilities.During the visit, MTJ provided a comprehensive demonstrat
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09 - 05
Why Are There Four Wheels on a Single Axle?
When observing a moving train, you might notice something unusual on the axle—four wheels, instead of the expected two. While the two larger hubs are in contact with the rails, the two smaller hubs in the middle seem to serve no purpose. However, these seemingly redundant hubs are actually crucial t
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09 - 03
How Do Trains Turn?
The design and function of train wheels are critical to the safe and efficient operation of trains. Unlike most vehicles, trains don't use tires. Instead, they rely on specially designed wheels that interact directly with iron tracks. This article explores the reasons behind this unique feature and
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08 - 29
Extrusion Process in Train Wheel Forging
Extrusion is a crucial step in the forging of train wheels. This article provides an in-depth look into the features and applications of the extrusion process, helping you better understand this key stage.1. Internal Structure of Extruded PartsThe internal fiber structure of extruded parts is contin
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08 - 28
MTJ Ships 30 Wheelsets and 120 Wheels to Mozambique
Ma'anshan Tianjun Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. , a leading manufacturer of railway equipment in China, has successfully shipped 30 wheel pairs and 120 individual wheels to a valued customer in Mozambique. This significant export marks a milestone in the company's international trade endeavors a
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08 - 27
How are Train Wheels Heat-treated?
The heat treatment of train wheels is a vital process that directly influences the final performance and durability of the product. Conducted after the rough machining of the forgings, the heat treatment process is tailored based on the material and the specific properties required for the wheels. C
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08 - 23
The Core Techniques Behind Train and Subway Wheels
The Difference Between Train and Subway WheelsThere is essentially no difference between train wheels and subway wheels, except for the variation in diameter. Forging train wheels involves using forging machinery to induce plastic deformation in metal billets, thereby imparting specific mechanical p
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08 - 21
The Anatomy of Train Wheels: Key Components and Protective Measures
Train wheels are integral to the safe and efficient operation of rail vehicles. Composed of the wheel diameter, rim, web shape, and flange tread profile, each component plays a crucial role. In this article, we explore the specific requirements for these components and discuss the protective measure
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No. 196, Cihu South Street, Cihu High-tech Zone, Ma'anshan City, Anhui Province

About Us
Maanshan Tianjun Machinery Manufacturing Co., LTD is a top supplier of wheels, axles, tyres and wheelset for locmotive, passenger coach,wagons, metro and other rail and mining cars, specialized in related after-sale service and repair service.
Custom-made solution is a commitment for our company. Please contact us for supplying best products for you!

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